Gothology Vol 1 – the Eternal Sad – (various)
The Eternal Sad is the first volume of the Gothology comic anthology series. It is packed with 30 deep and depressing comics from sorrowful artists that inhabit 10 different countries. These tales deal with vampires, zombies, ghostly dolls, love, death, loneliness, resurrection, pain, animal sacrifice, and much MUCH more.
As I finally get to the bottom of pile of preview / promotional books that came back that came back from Wizard Chicago I inevitably got to Gothology. To be honest, I had got to it before, read some, put it lower in the pile, read some more, put it lower in the pile and it when on and on until alas, I finally have to deal with it. People know I have a hate/love relationship with anthology books and books like Gothology are the reason why
This books is a whopping 254 pages covering over 30 stories and individual artists / writers. The stories range from well thought out dark stories of loneliness to comedic fashion-themed goth bois to straight forward tales of demonic cats that eat parents that just don’t understand. The art styles range from truly talented pencil works (the far minority) to more or less 2-page scribbles. And while some of the horror / goth images are present, horror fan will be disappointed by the lack of plot of most of the stories. What can I say? The bottom line is that about one fifth of this book is laced with talent and the rest might work as free web comics… maybe. For $19 I would want a little less quantity and a little bit more quality. And before someone cries foul and thinks that I am being negative simply because of the genre, I am a huge fan of gothic / horror / suspense tales. It’s not the genre / style I dislike… it’s only when it’s poorly done, I dislike it.
Gothology is being spotlighted here and be ordered here.
Issue Grade: C-