Ghost in the Shell Live Action Starts Moving

During my morning interweb crawl, I tend to visit lots of entertainment news sites.  Aintitcool News is a favorite of mine.  I know many people complain about their sometimes less then objective journalism, but that’s the wonder of the Internet.  It’s Harry’s website, thus his sandbox and he can play in it how he wants

I like reading AICN because not only do they report on the geek things I care about, but they are connected like few others.  It seems like they have people everywhere reporting for them.

Anyway, I ran across a bit of news on the Ghost in the Shell live action film.  When I first discovered anime, the first films I saw were AKIRA and GHOST IN THE SHELL.  These modern masterpieces of animation blew my mind. As far as live action versions go, I would much rather see GHOST than AKIRA.  I just think the subject matter and story are much more accessible.  But that’s just me.  Here is what Harry had to say:

“GHOST IN THE SHELL, like AKIRA, is Holy Material in the Manga world. Our good buddy, former Marvel master and Toy Tycoon – Avi Arad is producing this to be a live action 3D movie according to Variety. This is a tremendous project. And while I’m a fan of Laeta Kalogridis’ script work, if not always the end results due to powers beyond her control… well… Hollywood has a very bad track record for adapting female driven action/adventure – when not being helmed by James Cameron. It is also interesting because Laeta was involved with BATTLE ANGEL ALITA with Cameron – along with a few other projects of his.”

With a powerhouse like Avi Arad behind this, I am totally interested to see what comes up.

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Updated: October 23, 2009 — 8:24 am

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