Irredeemable #6 – Waid is back on track!

Irredeemable #6 (Boom! – Waid / Krause)

The Plutonian’s rampage continues as the Paradigm’s dwindling members regroup and prepare to go on the offensive. Even with new information about the Plutonian’s past, will it be enough to tip the scales against a mad god? A “twilight of the superheroes”-style story that examines super-villains from Mark Waid writer of KINGDOM COME and EMPIRE!

After a couple issues of bizarre side tracks and running in place, Irredeemable as a series is back on track.  Mark Waid has brought the story back to the center of having the remnant of the world’s meta-community trying to deal with the ultimate hero gone mad and what caused it.

Issue #6 sees an end to the android riot (really, is making cloned androids of the most diabolical super-villain ever a good idea?) and the Paradigm finally catch a break and are able to access the Plutonian’s Citadel at a time when they know he is not there (too bad their own headquarters is being attacked by the man himself).  The story races forward and the characters are fully present giving overall a great read.  There wasn’t the sexual awkwardness that had bogged down the last two issues.  There is also the introduction to the Children’s plague which seems like it could be the lynchpin to the Plutonian’s undoing.

Peter Krause’s art is still consistently solid and way above the expected mark.

Issue grade: A-

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Updated: September 4, 2009 — 1:30 pm

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