Fantastic Four #570

Fantastic Four #570 (Marvel – Hickman / Eaglesham)

Brand new creative team – Brave new comics experience! Be there as Marvel’s newest exciting creator, Jonathan Hickman, teams up with superstar artist, Dale Eaglesham, to give you the Fantastic Four experience you’ve been waiting for! It’s adventure, it’s family, it’s tough questions in dark times…See what happens when Reed Richards tries to SOLVE EVERYTHING.

Jonathan Hickman showed us that he can handle Marvel’s first family well with the Fantastic Four: Dark Reign mini.  He is continuing his movement toward bringing the FF back to it’s science fiction roots and back to the concept that at the center of the Fantastic Four is a family, not just a super-hero team but a family.  On those points I give him huge kudos.

The first half of the issue is a battle sequence and aftermath that shows us that Reed does have a heart, does love his family and is incredibly distracted by what he sees aas outcomes that must be avoided.  The front half has a pointed focus on Reed and his emotional disposition towards almost everything and because of that, the action is limited and doesn’t flow well at all – sort of like an action movie where the explosive sequences happen off camera.  To be honest, after reading about six pages in I was pretty worried for this flagship book.

But then it transitioned into a pure sci-fi concept.  As Reed focuses in to try to “solve everything”, he is visited by alternate versions of himself and travels inbetween dimensions and meets “The Council”.  Here is a a group of interdimension-Reeds bent of saving everything.  Bravo Mr. Hickman!  This is looking up!

Dale Eaglesham brings his iconic profiles and artistic renderings to the series giving the FF a fresh feel and better look!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: December 7, 2010 — 8:38 am

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