Blackest Night #3 – Best Comic Event In A Long Time!

Blackest Night #3 (DC – Johns / Reis / Albert )

“As the dead attack in full force, Green Lantern is faced with an impossible decision and the scattered remains of the Justice League suffer a terrible loss. Who can stop the Black Lanterns? Why are they rising? And how can the Spectre help?”

“Awesome” is just not enough a word to describe DC’s Blackest Night.  I’ve been reading comics for about twenty years and I can honestly say that this is the best “event” I’ve ever read.  I have been around for Armageddon, Eclipso: The Darkness Within, The Death and Return of Superman, Zero Hour, Final Night, DC 1,000,000, Our World’s At War, The Silver Age, Infinite Crisis, 52, Countdown to Final Crisis, Final Crisis, and a host of others from those other major companies.  In that list alone there are some good ones and some big stinkers.  But I don’t feel that any in that list have captivated the me in the way Blackest Night has.

We all know Geoff Johns is breaking down barriers for how cool comic writing can be. He is once again making lame characters cool. In reaction to Blackest Night #2, I’ve heard at least five people say that they would read an Aquaman comic if it were actually written by Johns.  That’s is saying something.

In this issue of Blackest Night not only do we finally meet the guardians of the indigo light, but we also get a pretty good idea of how the good guys can beat the bad guys.  I also want to take a second to give props to Neil at Kowabunga Comics. He totally called the whole “white light” thing. According to Neil, he thinks that we’re going to see some white lanterns before the night is through. I think he’s right.

This issue had a lot of goodies that I don’t want to ruin here. Just know that it’s awesome and you’re going to want to pick it up.

Grade: A+

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:04 am

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