Atomic Robo and the Shadow from Beyond time #5

Atomic Robo (Vol #3) The Shadow from Beyond Time #5 (of 5) (Red 5 – Clevinger / Wegener / Pattison / Powell)

An experiment gone wrong opens Tesladyne HQ to a surprise attack by THE SHADOW FROM BEYOND TIME. The future and history of the universe hangs in the balance as ATOMIC ROBO teams up with, uh, ATOMIC ROBO in a last ditch effort to protect reality itself.

Like every good writer, Brian Clevinger knows how to finish well.

I have been a fan of Robo for the last two years and this volume had me a little bit worried.  With each issue being from a different point in time and the storytelling really coming from a non-traditional (non-linear) angle, I really didn’t know if Clevinger could come up with a conclusion that was clean, rational and satisfying.

The answer is… Yes he can!

Issue 5 brings together the four Robos we have met from different times in their quest to stop the non-linear Lovecraftian horror that has been haunting Robo throughout his life.  It’s not just the concept that rocked, but also the details he put in – the way the four interact with each other and the older versions of Robo remembering the exact moment from different perspectives is phenominal writing!  I tell you what, if Brian ever wanted to write for Doctor Who, he would have my vote!

Clean, Rational and Satisfying!

And perhaps the only thing that has been as constant as the great writing in Atomic Robo over the last two years has been the art which is a perfect combination of animation and pulp.  The art team of Scott Wegener and Ronda Pattison could not be better!

Issue Grade: A+

Series Grade: A

cannot wait for the trade – another winner from Red 5!

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Updated: September 15, 2009 — 9:10 am

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