Ultimate Endgame part 2 – Fantastic Four Requiem One-Shot

Ultimatum: Fantastic Four Requiem One-Shot #1 (Marvel – Pokaski / Atkins / Morales)

re • qui • em (noun) A song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to the departed. With the catastrophes wrought by Ultimatum, does this spell the end for the first family of the Ultimate U? Plus: Whatever happened to Johnny Storm?

hmmmmmmm…  What can I say about this, except “Un-needed!”

This one-shot is pretty typical of the fleecing that has happened from the Ultimate line and why many fanboys and girls stopped buying.  A $3.99 book that added very few details if you have been reaing the Ultimatum mini-series.  Ooooooooohhhh, Johnny was in the clutches of Dormammu… Reed and Sue break up… Reed is lost and Sue is ready to save the world… The only panels worth seeing is actually getting to watch Ben crush the skull of Doom.  But that is not worth $3.99

Issue grade: C

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Updated: December 7, 2010 — 8:37 am

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