Green Lantern #44 – Blackest Night Martians!

Green Lantern #44 ( DC – Johns / Mahnke / Alamy / Nguyen )

“Blackest Night” continues! As Hal Jordan and Barry Allen investigate a bizarre crime in Gotham City, they come face to face with one of their oldest allies – J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter! But their old friend is not there for reunions; he’s come for much more. Meanwhile, Sinestro seeks to rebuild his army and take his revenge on the being who would usurp it – Mongul!”

Wow…as stated in the dialog, Martian Manhunter is as powerful as Superman and people always forget that.  Barry and Hal get a huge reminder, espically when a building gets dropped on them.

This is it!  The thrills, the chills, and the shocking kills that Blackest Night has been promising.  I know there are many out there who do not like the style of Geoff Johns and what he’s doing with the DCU.  I am not one of them.  I love his ability to tell a story and write dialog that is both funny and riveting.

The art by Doug Mahnke is a delight to see.  His attention to detail on the backgrounds and charactes harkens back to the geatness of Georage Perez.  If it’s fistacuffs or power blasts, Mahnke did an excellent job.

I personally can’t wait to see what’s to come.

Grade: A

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Updated: August 3, 2009 — 8:45 pm

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