Blackest Night #2 – The Dead Keep Rising

Blackest Night #2 ( DC – Johns / Reis / Albert )

“The event of the summer continues! The dead rise across the DC Universe, bringing terror and darkness with them. What are the Black Lanterns? What do they want? Will Earth’s greatest heroes survive long enough to find out – or will they join the Black Lantern Corps?”

Blackest Night is very cool, even if your not a Green Lantern fan.  DC has made some pretty big claims with this crossover event, like this will change how the DC writers deal with death.  Maybe they are going to follow in Marvel’s footsteps in the “Dead means Dead” area.  But then again we are seeing the return of Captain America, aren’t we?

Does this mean we can get an awesome story about death? Not at all, and Geoff Johns is proving it!

Basically, Blackest Night #2 is still working up steam in the overall story.  Many people are coming across empty graves, seeing loved ones as Black Lanterns, and fighting old friends.  While I wouldn’t call issue two a throw away issue, it didn’t do much to forward the overall Blackest Night story.

Big actions scenes, bigger set-ups and foreshadowing are what this issue is for.  From the goings on with Deadman and the Specter, to an extended scene with DC’s aquatic heroes this issue was just kind of there.  I’ve been reading the Green Lantern books since the start of the Sinestro War and I believe that this issue was Johns unique way of building up a story.  It doesn’t seem like its that important in the overall arc, but sill good enough that I’m glad to have spent my $3.99 on it.

Grade: A-

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Updated: August 19, 2009 — 12:02 am

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