Atomic Robo and the Shadow Beyond Time #4

Atomic Robo and the Shadow Beyond Time #4 (Vol 3) (Red 5 – Clevinger / Wegener / Pattison / Powell)

1971, Oaxaca, Mexico. THE SHADOW FROM BEYOND TIME is set to intersect with our universe once more, but this time ATOMIC ROBO is ready for it. Or at least he thinks he is. It’s the Scientific Method versus the Unknowable Horror at the edge of reality!

Tesla, Lovecraft and now… Sagan!

In this third volume of the pulp adventures of Atmoic Robo, the creative team is taking a different attack on the narrative.  And I for one, thinks it’s pretty rockin’!

The interdimensional baddie exists in a non-linear fashion, so we are following Robo as he battles it throughout history, getting help from the scientists and experts of the time.  And in issue #4 Carl Sagan is up to bat!

So here we are like 14 issues into the various tales of Atomic Robo, and the one overriding fact that has not escaped me is that neither the quality of the story nor the stylistic art that compliments the Robo story so well has faded.   Brian Clevinger continues to lay down some great tales (including a mini-backup story here) and the artistic team lead by Scott Wegner still has the great balance synthesis of action and cartoony fun.

The bottom line is that Atomic Robo is still the one to beat!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: August 18, 2009 — 3:41 pm

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