OLYMPUS #1 — Not So Divine

Olympus #1 (Image Comics – Edmondson / Ward)

Apparently it’s my day to tarish the image of some comics.  So, let me say I buy more Image books than any other and thank god they are around for fresh ideas and taking risks.

And then there’s Olympus.  Again, I have to preface what I say, by saying that at least Nathan Edmondson and Christian Ward had the wherewithal, drive and guts to put together a book and get it published.  That is no easy task.
The two quintessential problems I have with the book is that it seems like a very poor rip off of Rick Riodan’s ‘Percy Jackson’ series (which I actually like and is quite clever and well thought out) with some extra swords and weapons that appear in the form or as some sort of magical energy.  The second is that art, while unique and learned, isn’t really that clear or of a sort particularly good for this medium.

Our glib heroes (yes TOO glib) heroes are the Greek/Roman Castor and Pollux, yes, the twin sons of Leda.  One a son of Zues (naughty naughty god) and the other the sone of some Spartan king I think.  You can look it up if you really need to know.  All you really need to know for the story is that they are half divine (like 3 day old tiramisu).  Well kinda, one of ’em was mortal one immortal, and tey made a deal with Zues to both be half mortal half immortal.  They’re kind of bounty hunters of Olympus, charged with running errands and rounding up defiant mythical beings.
Fine, the first issue basically one big chase scene, and to no one’s surprise they win, there really isn’t much tension on that front.  And they’re too glib.  To have snappy banter to try and talk sense into someone clearly nuts, just doesn’t work here.  All of this can be overlooked as freshman effort with potential.
The biggest drawback to this book lies  in the art.  It is the epitome of confusing and unclear.  Even though one has long blonde hair and one has short dark hair, there are still times when you cannot tell them apart. The action for the most part is convoluted and indiscernible, isn’t clear, doesn’t follow, and I’m almost never sure where I am, and where the characters are in relationship to each other.  It was like looking from that last bit of meatball in a big old mound of spaghetti.

I want books like this to be good, to fly.  This one just didn’t.

As creators they must be aware of these flaws.  I don’t understand how, if you’re going to take the risk, and this is your baby, your foot in the door, your calling card, that creators rush the job or don’t craft it to perfection.  It makes no difference to me if this book came out this month, or if it would have come out 6 months from now.  So, take the extra time and make a good book.  For you, the creators, its the difference between me just dropping $2.99 on the first issue, and then dropping the book altogether or me picking up the whole mini-series, for $12.

All new creators should take their time and not sell themselves short, that’s what I think.
But stick to your deadline.

Story C-

Art C

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Updated: July 12, 2009 — 4:53 pm

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