The Unwritten #1 and #2 ( DC Vertigo / Carey / Gross )
I’m a big fan of different. I don’t like all Vertigo titles. Some are great some are well, not. But what makes Vertigo great is they are willing to try.
Unwritten is falling into one of those not so great books. The concept of a fictional character finding his way into our mundane world and the changes such a character could bring is vaguely interesting. While we don’t know exactly what is going on, or what exact world we are in is unknown, too much of the mystery was revealed to soon for my tastes.
I would have been more engaged if for a good while we didn’t know if this was a hoax or if the main character was nuts (or if even he didn’t know he was nuts) or what was going on. But BAM! right out of the bag, there’s no real question, and the dramatic tension drains away.
Also, the bits and pieces of the narrative pulled from the fictional Harry Potter type book are not that interesting, and kind of annoying to read.
The main character is likable enough, but has no real personality, the supporting cast okay, I like the events of the first issue hit the net and spread, but…there’s just no magic here.
Peter Case’s art is competent as usual. He tells a story well and clearly.
Story C
Art B
check out Eric’s take on the Unwritten here