Mouse Guard: Winter 1152 #6 (of 6) (Archaia Press – Petersen)
With the food and medicine shortage still unresolved, hares and riders depart from Lockhaven, but not to redistribute food throughout the territories. Instead, they ride on a desperate search and rescue mission for Celanawe and Lieam, still unaccounted for.
A dramatic climax as this final chapter of Winter 1152 sees the mice honoring the death of one of their own.
I know this book has been out about two weeks, but I have been sitting on it because I have really been struggling with what to say. This one really is bitter sweet for me. For the last few years I have LOVED David Petersen’s work – praised him up and down for being what the model of what the independent creator should be. And with him working with Archaia (where Awakenings, my favorite zombie book of all time is out of), Mouse Guard really was highest quality all-around family book out there period!
And whether it was Petersen working on his role-playing game or Archaia with their multiple internal struggles and re-structuring… but issue #1 (remember this is issue #6) came out in July of ’07… Egads!!!!!
Six issues in 2 years?!?!
Come on… yes, this is a beautiful book… yes, the story ended well… yes, it is still one of the best examples of what the comic medium can become… yes., as a collection it is one of the best family-freindly adventures books out there…yes, it is brilliant!
But imagine you have found the woman of your dreams, the one true one, right? But you only get to date her twice a year for 90 minutes at a shot… yes, it’s kind of like that!
For the sake of the fan base, I hope whatever has caused this in teh second series goes away for the third one. I would hate to see one of the best indie books of all time go in the same dark place as Kevin Smith’s Black Cat book or Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine.