Old Man Logan Counted Out!

If you are like me, you have been loving Mark Millar’s “Old Man Logan” story – heck, it’s so good, my wife will read it.

And if you are even more like me, you loved Wolverine #71 when it came out (March 18th) and you were anxiously waiting for the last two parts of the “Old Man Logan” tale.

And, you might even be a little bit more like me if you also did a little freak out a little when you saw Wolverine #73 shipped today… what??? And I freaked out more when I saw that #73 was a brand new storyline.  What????  Where’s the Old Man Logan conclusion? arrrggggggggggggggggg?!?!?!?

After a slight geek meltdown, I did a little bit more digging and contacted my friend Neil who runs a store and apparently Marvel is shipping #73 before #72 (lame!) and the eight part Old Man Logan story has become a seven-part story (double lame!!).  And why? Well, probably Millar’s fault for taking so dang long!

So, who loses? take a guess – the fans!  Not only do we get to watch our hair grow while we are waiting on Millar, but we also get the “two issues of plot sqooshed down into one barely linear issue”.  We get a quick blow-out end to what had started as an excellent slow-burning plot line.  Big bummer!  Once again, boo Marvel!

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Updated: December 7, 2010 — 8:37 am

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