I Am Legion, Lots To Look Forward To

I am Legion (DDP – Nury / Cassady)

I originally picked this years ago from Humanoids in a deluxe format book. Problem was, there was only ever one book, and they story never got finished. Thank goodness Devil’s Due came alont to finish it up! Note: do not be confused by the covers, Issues #1 & #2 have the sub heading “Dancing Faun”, while Issues #3’s sub-title is “Vlad”. It’s all the same story.

This is an intriguing twist on vampire schtick, complete with Nazis and intrepid English invesigators, a resistance underground, and political intrigue on both sides. The delays between books aren’t great for keeping all the info and characters straight in your head, but who cares, it’s a pleasure going back and rereading earlier issues.

This is basically an engaging, slowly unfolding horror story. The plot is strong and ever moving, the characters engaging, the concepts well yeah a bit chilling, under a veneer of normalcy. And the tension increases as the story moves forward, the way it’s supposed to be.

And the art is exceptional as usual. Some of John Cassaday’s best stuff, and he’s done alot of good stuff. It won’t even to say what Cassaday does well, because he does it all well, and has no real weaknesses. Any fan of good horror will enjoy this book.

Story A
Art A+

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Updated: May 4, 2009 — 8:52 pm

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