Justice Society of America #25

Justice Society of America #25 (DC – Johns / Ordway / Wiacek)

The “Black Adam and Isis” epic concludes here! With Billy Batson banished from the Rock of Eternity, the Justice Society calls upon an old friend to help in the battle against the Black Marvel family and stop Black Adam and Isis once and for all!

With JSA over the last year, the overall quality of the book seems to be off again, on again… this was definitely an on-again issue!

Issue #25 concludes the “Isis gone crazy” storyline, gives us updates on the wizard Shazam and it also ties up some loose Marvel family ends left over from Final Crisis. If only every issue had as much packed into it as this one.

Geoff Johns really went above and beyond on this. Each scene being gripping on it’s own and then easily transitioning into what comes next. From Mary Marvel (in dark Final Crisis fetish costume) seducing her younger brother with power given to her by Black Adam to Atom Smasher’s pretty emotional narrative to Shazam getting medieval on Adam and Isis. This was really an awesome issue!

And doesn’t it fit that Geoff is off to Flash now 🙂 This was Johns’ penultimate issue with the JSA, with next month being what looks like a recap of the the events of the last three issues from Liberty Belle’s Point of View. Apparently with the Black Adam crisis going on, they all forgot her birthday… how very Sixteen candles!

Well, I will try to stay with the present before starting to nitpic the future… this issue rocked!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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