Ultimate Fantastic Four #60 – more of a penultimate issue

Ultimate Fantastic Four #60 (Marvel – Pokaski / Kirkham / Gorder / Blond)

SERIES FINALE! Ultimatum tie-in! It all began when four teenagers got caught in an experiment gone fantastically wrong. Now, in a series finale you won’t believe, Reed, Ben, Sue, and Johnny will discover that nothing lasts forever—especially family.

So, Ultimatum is running late, so the Ultimate Fantastic Four series finale isn’t really a finale at all. It’s a lead into Ultimate Fantastic Four Requiem, coming soon. We have an issue or two of filler in the “journey to the center of Sue Richards” type, and then the end of the series isn’t really the end… blah, blah, blah… unfortunately this has been par for the course as it came to Ultimate titles.

Now that I have that off my chest, I can tell you that Joe Pokaski is showing off his colors as a great writer!

Ben and Sue continue their journey to try to find Johnny and Reed. Between battling Atlantis’ outcasts and trying to outwit Mama Storm, they are finally able to locate where the other fantastic two are. Reed is in the dimension of the Squadron Supreme and is declared damaged goods, and basically is left for dead with no love lost. Meanwhile they find out that Johnny is trapped in a dimension that is more or less a demon-filled hell.

This issue left me wanting more… much more than some previous issues of this 5 year run. I hope that the post-Ultimatum books have the same level of grit that Pokaski is presenting here.

Thank you UFF, for overall a pretty good 5 year run!

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:17 pm

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