The Remnant #4

The Remnant #4 (of 4) (Boom! – Cosby / Monroe / Baldwin)

The whole world is falling apart, and CIA agent David Sacker is stuck in the middle of it. He comes face-to-face with the true villains that are behind the planet-wide attacks in this gripping finale. Featuring sensational interiors and cover by hot newcomer artist Julian Totino Tedesco!

Since issue #1, this series has been rockin’! As the first arc concludes, it really does have more of a “what if Dan Brown wrote an episode of Fringe” feel to it than anything else. Which for me is a good thing. This series
hits on prophetic conspiracies, shadow government organization and End-Times Biblical events without being judgmental or shoving something down your throat. In that way, The Remnant hits it mark and finds a solid balance.

I say the first arc, because issue #4 ends at a point with where it seems the real action is about to begin.  David, the reluctant hero, is drawn back into the world of secret organizations and black-ops right after his recently wedded wife disappears in what appears to be the Rapture.  There are multiple one to two frame vignettes at the end that point all the characters forward.  It would be a shame if Boom! didn’t have something else planned for this.

Sometimes we, as a geek going audience, blow off a book because they are created or endorsed by a celebrity-type figure.  And I know there are enough of these rotten books out there that really aren’t worth the paper they are written on to support that view.  But if you are avoiding The Remnant because of some “Baldwin” factor, do yourself a favor and don’t.  This book has a great story, the lay-out works well and the art, while not incredible, is relatively good enough to carry the action.

I hope the same creative team stays with this.  I for one, cannot wait to see what comes next!

Issue grade: A-

Series grade: A

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Updated: March 30, 2009 — 10:28 pm

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