Star Wars: Legacy #34

Star Wars: Legacy #34 ( Dark Horse – Ostrander / Duursema / Parsons )

After their climactic battle against Darth Krayt, Cade and his crew are hurtling through a lightning storm with mortally wounded Imperial Knight Azlyn Rae and Jedi Knight Shado Vao. They hope to reach the planet Kiffer, where Bantha Rawk might help with Cade’s seemingly impossible plan to save Azlyn. The Sith, too, are handling the aftermath of the battle on Had Abbadon. Some will awaken to find the battle did not end as they believed . . .

I don’t know what it is with the Star Wars books, but they can’t seem to be streamlined from one cool story to the next. For some reason both Legacy and KOTOR had to have two or three issues of sub-par stories and art before they got back to the good stuff. I’m happy to say that Legacy has returned to the good stuff.

The Sith are in flux, but they are still working toward the goal of “One Sith”, which is very intriguing. After the death the a Sith lord, there is always a power vacuum. That vacuum seems to have been filled, but treachery is always abound.

Cade Skywalker and his crew are doing what they can to save Azlyn, but it look like the only one with the answer is Uncle Bantha. The only problem is that his answer is not a good one, it’s just the best one they have.

With the witting and art back on track, this one is definitely worth reading.

Grade: A

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Updated: April 1, 2009 — 8:13 am

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