Star Trek: Countdown #2

Star Trek: Countdown #2 (of 4) (IDW – Orci / Kurtzman / Johnson / Jones / Messina)

The countdown to the motion picture event of 2009 begins here, in the exclusive comics prequel to the upcoming blockbuster STAR TREK! JJ Abrams, Roberto Orci, and Alex Kurtzman present the origin of Nero, the mysterious Romulan who will ultimately threaten the survival of the entire universe. Don’t miss this first chapter in the story that brings STAR TREK back to the big screen!
We have all experienced the prequel gone bad and the movie to comic adaption gone worse, so it is understandable why Trekkies and Trekkers would have some instinct to leave this one alone initially. But I am here to tell you that, regardless of what level of fan you are, or even if you aren’t that into to Trek but you plan on seeing the new movie, this is a series to pick up!
Check it out, spoilers below!
These first two issues take place a few decades after Next Generation, and we meet Nero who is associate and friend of Ambassador Spock who is now living on Romulus, trying to solidify the re-unification process with the next generation of Romulans. Immediately the red-shirt flag flies up! Wait a minute, this a prequel to a Kirk / Spock movie, what is up with this being post-anything-that-is-cannon and has been on any of TV series. And furthermore, anyone who is doing online diggin about the movie (and let’s be honest, we all are), or at least has looked it up om, knows that Nero is the villain in the upcoming movie, but Nero is here with old Spock. So the puzzle at hand is what is going on? The Solutions is that J.J. Abrams is working his story-telling mojo and is going to blow us all away!
The crux of the plot so far in the prequel is that the sun nearest to Romulus is going to go supernova and destroy the planet; Ambassador Spock, Ambassador Picard, Captain Data and Nero (whose wife and child are on Romulus) are trying to get the scientfic community on Romulus to listen and the one on Vulcan to share technology that might benefit Romulus in this time of crisis. Tough luck, disaster is already on it’s way! The issue ends with Romulus being destroyed and Nero promising vengeance on the Vulcans for not helping.
The art is great, the story is awesome… come get it Trek fans, Dinner is served!
Grade: A+
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Updated: March 1, 2009 — 4:17 pm

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