Proof #17

Proof #17 (Image – Grecian / Tindall / Rossmo)

The Chupacabra’s journey from Mexico to Minnesota is finally revealed in a special stand-alone story. Plus, Colonel Dachshund receives a gift from an unexpected visitor.

This issue was the definition of bitter sweet for me.

First for the sweet, I finally get my extended view of Kelly Tindall’s artwork. And like I knew it would, it rocked! This one-shot, that is more or less an origin story for the Chupacabra, shows everyone that Tindall easily can carry a whole issue. Now, it’s true that Kelly Tindall’s over-emphasized, emotionally charged, campy style wouldn’t work for the straight-laced story. But his top-notch whimsical frames are perfect for a well told fantasy tale like Proof. Tindall is skilled in the comic-version of minimalism, he knows exactly what is needed and wanted for the story progression and gives the reader exactly that and no more.

Okay, I know I’m just gushing over Kelly right now, but anyone who has talked to me about this series knows that I have enjoyed Proof from the beginning and I have nothing but the highest regards for Riley Rossmo, the regular artist. This has been and is a top-notch book. The bit about this month that is bitter for me is that there was no Proof. It felt like watching those occasional X-Files episodes that didn’t have Mulder or Sculley in them.

Alex Grecian continues to show himself to be master of the detailed story as the “iron nail in the pie” from a back page story months ago comes into play.  This whole creative team is amazing!

Issue grade: A

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Updated: March 3, 2009 — 9:35 pm

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