Hexed #3

Hexed #3 (of 4) (Boom! – Nelson / Rios)

Scorched-earth vengeance, Lucifer style. What happens in the Dreamlands, stays in the Dreamlands. A brand new series by Michael Alan Nelson, the critically acclaimed author of FALL OF CTHULHU, and hot new art talent Emma Rios!

Okay, this being the 3rd issue, this would be a tough one to jump into. So, if you haven’t read issues #1 and #2, I wouldn’t suggest reading it. If you haven’t read issues #1 and #2, what I would suggest you doing, is going to your local comic shop and getting the first two issues along with the third.

Hexed follows Luci (short for Lucifer), a supernatural bounty hunter / muscle for hire who desperately wants to get out of the system and is just hoping to have some sort of normal existence. Her problem is that she has been too good at what she does and has created a long list of enemies.

The issue opens with Luci being strong-armed by Dietrich to go see the Harlot, a demonic matriarch who is more or less a female version of Emperor Palpatine but with a wicked good sense of humor. And the issue just got better from there. Michael Alan Nelson lays out an excellent story that would be filed in the same cabinet as the darker episodes of either Buffy or Angel. And Emma Rios continues to keep readers spell-bound with eye-pleasing visuals.

If you enjoy any sort of story that would fall under the “supernatural adventure” umbrella, Hexed needs to be on your pull list!

issue grade: A

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Updated: March 17, 2009 — 8:52 pm

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