Booster Gold #18 – out of time!

Booster Gold #18 (DC – Jurgens / Rapmund)

The “Reality Lost” arc concludes as Booster Gold gets help from…Booster Gold? Thanks to the powers of time travel, the future Booster Gold jumps back in time to team up with none other than himself to defeat a powered-up Chronos and stop him from using the time-knife to forever alter history. It’s Booster Gold and Booster Gold in a fight against time!

It’s Booster Gold vs. Booster Gold in a re-hashed, re-vamped save time story arc.  I tried to be optimistic about this 4 part arc, but when it’s all said and done, not even a cameo by one of my favorite characters (Elongated Man) could save cliche and waste of $12.00.

The big villain is revealed as Rex Hunter… Who? A d-list baddie who has been overused in the last year and a half of this series.  If you are in the mood for time-traveling story-telling, either get the back issues or the trade for the Time Masters series from 1990.

Issue grade: D

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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