Avengers: The Initiative #22

Avengers: The Initiative #22 (Marvel – Gage / Ramos)

“The Initiative Disassembled” continues as Counter-Force–the original New Warriors–return to join the battle against Ragnarok! But will they save Camp Hammond–or destroy it? Be here as events set in motion in our very first issue rocket towards their devastating conclusion…we’re not kidding when we say the Initiative will never be the same!

This issue basically concluded the fight with the Thor clone, Ragnarok.  And the way it ended was pretty lame, Rags beats everyone down and decides to leave to go deal with the infidel Thor.  Yea, that will end well for him.  This  was very drawn out and this “ending” could have happened in 2 pages, not 12.

The only real piece of the overall “Initiative” plot that got touched on is that the New Warriors, oh I’m sorry Counter-Force, claim MVP’s body when they leave.  That makes this issue a little interesting, but only a little.

The short of it is that there wasn’t much plot and the art was the worse that I ever seen it in this series with over-exaggerated dimensions and over-the-top perspectives – think Rob Liefeld lite (btw, not a compliment)

issue grade: C-

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:17 pm

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