Beyond Wonderland #5

Beyond Wonderland #5 (Zenescope – Gregory / Leister / Brusha / Tedesco / Ruffino / Blond)

The ultimate game of chess begins as Johnny and Calie face off for the first time since sister sacrificed her kin into the realm of madness and terror. But Johnny is hell-bent on wreaking more havoc before he confronts his dear sis and decides that a murder spree is just what the
doctor ordered.

With this issue, Zenescope’s Wonderland series, which has been living in the realm of being a high-class intelligent horror, has now taken at least one of it’s spiky high-heeled feet and is letting it rest in science-fiction / action country. The reader is no longer wondering about Callie’s sanity or how she is dealing with everyone around her dying, but now we are engulfed in a war between dimensions. It’s not that this change is bad, it’s just a slightly different direction.

The story is still nail-biting. The mish-mosh or Zenescope writers and story-designers on this book must be able to bounce of each other in a very productive way, because they produce a story that embodies heroism and suspense with that supernatural twisted fairy tale spin that is worth both your time and money.

And I don’t care who you are, you will sit and stare at Raven Gregory’s art. In this issue it will be more for the detail he gives to setting the grim atmosphere and less of his eye candy, even though he is phenomenal at that too.

Unless a horror tale is completely off your radar, you want to get this series and it’s pre-cursor, Return to Wonderland.

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: February 14, 2009 — 5:44 pm

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