Tom Brevoort offers some good trades… for a good cause!

Tom Brevoort, an executive editor and all-around good guy over at Marvel comics, is putting his time and collection in action for a good cause. The Hero Initiative!

The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays’ creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It’s a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment. From The Hero Initiative website

Tom is in a continuing state of trading, trying to find a Fantastic Four #1 to be donated to auction for The Hero Initiative. Below I have Tom’s latest blog, but you go there directly here. Tonight I will be checking my collection to see what I can do to help out! So Should you!

Back a week, and the first four trading packages have gone out to the respective Tradees, along with their Certificates of Meaninglessness. I’m still waiting on a couple of books to show up, so I anticipate sending out a few more of these in the coming week–but so far, everything’s proceeding smoothly.

One important note for Tradees who are sending me books: please, put your name and address inside the envelope, rather than only on the outside. Two or three times I had to go back and retrieve the discarded envelope to find the address to send the comics to. I would have thought this would be common sense, but maybe because I didn’t mention it in teh rules, nobody thought about it. Okay, so consider it mentioned in the rules–send my your name and address as well as the books, okay?

Maybe it’s just the post-Holiday malaise, but I haven’t gotten any new offers for trades in the past week. This isn’t going to get us to FANTASTIC FOUR #1, let me tell you. We’ve got some pretty cool books in the stack that could be yours for the cost of a swap, so we need to get the word out more and get some more people trading with me. There are still many months left in the year, but this whole scheme will peter out if I can’t maintain interest in it.

With that in mind, I reached out to Jim McLaughlin at the HERO Initiative with an offer. Once we achieve our dream of a FANTASTIC FOUR #1, or in the event that we fail, I offered to donate whatever books remain in the stack at the end of this experiment to HERO for them to auction off. That means now, when you offer up a Trade, you’re not only participating in a fun little experience, you’re not only receiving some cool comics in exchange, but you’re also working to help comic creators of yore who’ve fallen on hard times. Jim also had some very cool ideas how we could pump up interest in this event, so expect to see some announcements and updates on this score soon.

As last week, the pool of what we’ve got up for trade remains X-MEN #17, MICRONAUTS #53, THOR #156, SECRET INVASION #1-8, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #72, 161, 162, FANTASTIC FOUR #181, DEADPOOL #3, NAMOR #1, NAMOR #37 and STRANGE TALES #123. The goal is still to trade until I’ve got a FANTASTIC FOUR #1. So if you’ve got a swap to offer for any or all of these books, drop me an e-mail at and I’ll get right back to you!

Keep trading!

Tom B

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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