Tiny Titans #12

Tiny Titans #12 (DC – Baltazar / Franco)

In this special “Faces of Mischief” issue, see what happens in the average day of the faculty of Sidekick Elementary as we follow the antics of Principal Slade and Trigon. The Tiny Titans have their own ideas of what goes on in the Teacher’s Lounge — but how close are they to the truth?

It’s pretty easy for us to get on a roll about everything DC has published that hasn’t quite lived up to the reader’s expectations in the past year… RIP, Final Crisis, Countdown, Arena and the list goes on and on.

But the one thing that they have really done well, both as far as timeliness and quality of book is their series for kids. Straight out, the Johnny DC line-up rocks! And more so the flagship book of the line, Tiny Titans!

Art Baltazar and Franco do an incredible job of creating a book that insenjoyable to everyone in the household. The one-page punchlines and slap-stick gags are there for the kids and the play-on-words schtick and the self-mockery from the DCU are there for the moms and dads who get the inside jokes.

This month, right from the “Faces of Mischief” mock-up cover, I knew I had comic gold in my hands. Issue #12 sees Mr. Darkseid becoming a substitute principal for a day (he usually works in the cafeteria) and springing exams early (you see, there is a Final’s Crisis) and Robin being stopped in the hall and having the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor argue as to whether or not he needs a pass.  This really is genius stuff!

If you have kids in your life, whether you are a comic geek or not, this $2.50 a month (or less for a direct subscription) is one of the best bangs for your buck you will find!

Issue grade: A

Series Grade: A

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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