Pullbox Awards 2008!

The votes have been casts, numbers tallied and winners decided for the 2008 Pullbox Awards… or the “Pulleys”

Click below to see who won!

Here they are…

Best Event/arc: Tough call… but the winner is “Old Man Logan” (Marvel – Wolverine), with honorable mention to “Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes” (DC – Action Comics), Death of Invisible Woman (Marvel – Fantastic Four) and Chas (Vertigo – Constantine mini-series)

Best Fleecing / Worst Event: Tougher call with events like Marvel Apes, “One More Day / Brand New Day” and Rulk (Red Hulk) (all honorable mention), you would think Marvel would have this… but the award goes to Batman R.I.P. (DC) just for being so messed up!

Best Marvel Book: Thor with honorable mention to Captain America, The Twelve and Avengers: The Initiative

Best DC Book: Action Comics with honorable mention to Green Lantern, Booster Gold and Justice Society of America

Best Independent Book: There were so many good books this year… but the winner is Atomic Robo (Red 5) with honorable mention to Proof (Image), Walking Dead (Image) and the Dresden Files (Dabel Brothers)

Best Single Issue: Thor #12 with honorable mention to Walking Dead #48, Mighty Avengers #17 and Kingdom Come Special: Superman

Best Non-Superhero book: Next year we will break up this category because there was just too many awesome books out there but the winner is… Northlanders (Vertigo) with honorable mention to Proof (Image), Fables (Vertigo), House of Mystery (DC), Mouse Guard (Archaia Press) and The Dresden Files (Dabel Brothers)

Best Non-Comic Franchise: Doctor Who: The Forgotten (IDW) with honorable mention to The Dresden Files (Dabel Brothers), Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Dark Horse) and Flash Gordon (Ardden Entertainment)

Best Captain without a Ship: Adam Hughes won with honorable mention to Jay Fife and Kevin Leen

Best New Talent / Breakout talent: The award goes to Gary Frank (really came to the front in 2008) with honorable mention to Renaldo Guedes, Clayton Crain and Rob M. Worley

Best Protagonist: There was quite a bit of hemming and hawing but the winner is… Thor with honorable mention to Green Lantern, Ben Grimm and Deadpool

Best Nemesis: Honorable mention goes to Darkseid, Loki, Dr. Doom and The Governor (Walking Dead) but the real best nemesis is tie going out to Joe Quesada / Dan Didio for the regular fleecing of the fanboys and specifics that include but are not limited to: crossovers that don’t make sense and end quickly and stupidly, having streams of events right after one another, re-writing the history of much loved characters by having them do deals with the devil, making major characters female or red and thinking that is the same as having a plot, making some titles less family-friendly by putting the main female characters in fetish outfits and putting “dark” in front of their names, bringing back characters that should have stayed buried in the ’90’s, alternate covers… and the list goes on and on!

Thanks to everyone who took the time to write us and keep sending in your comments!

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Updated: January 11, 2009 — 10:44 pm


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