Final Crisis #7 – Second Take

Okay, I have read this and re-read it and went back read all of the series again, hoping to get some more gems out of issue #7.  Because the first time I got through it, I though maybe I was in the Omega Sanction.  But, as it usually is with Grant Morrison’s work, some of it slowly makes sense, but not everything.

This fractured narrative leaves a great deal to be desired.  And unless you are have been reading all of the Final Crisis cross-overs, the sudden appearance of Mandrakk the Dark-Monitor was sort of  “did I miss an issue?” moment.  The ending has a little bit more context when you go back and read the Anthro snippit from issue #1, oh so many months ago… but overall this issue is still a huge stretch.

I’m glad Mr. Morrison got to stretch his meta-cognitive legs once and give his take on what it means to be human, the limits of the human spirit, and the power of hope.  But next time, let him write a novel.  Don’t let him use an entire structured universe, and the fanboy’s wallet, for his whims and tales.

Final Crisis, certainly did not live up to the hype.

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Updated: January 31, 2009 — 12:32 pm

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