Final Crisis #7

Final Crisis #7 ( DC – Morrison / Mahnke / Alamy )

The dramatic finale to the epic, seven-part saga of the DC multiverse concludes with an apocalyptic battle for the soul of humanity that must be seen to be believed! Can the heroes of 52 Earths save the multiverse? And is the only way to save it, to change it forever?

I’m not going to bore you with a big drawn out review on why this sucked or why Grant Morrison should be castrated with a spoon for making be pay for his written m@sturbation of the DCU. Basically is comes down to a huge WTF to the entire administration of DC Comics. You say that your event will change the face of your universe, but none of your other books reflect that. You also say that the end of Final Crisis sets up the next big event in five months (Darkest Night), no one can see how.

Do yourselves a favor and leave this one on the racks and pick up something from an small press or indie company. You’ll thank me later.

Grade: F-

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Updated: January 29, 2009 — 6:31 am

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