Buck Rogers and The Adventures of the Interweb!

Here is a piece of news picked up from AICN who got it from someone else. It seems that long time Star Trek fan film creator, James Crawley, is setting his sights on making fully licensed Buck Rogers web-based fan films.

Here’s what AICN had up:

“James Cawley and his Cawley Entertainment Company plan to do with Buck Rogers, what he has done for Star Trek, and bring it to the web with a regular series of new episodes. However, this time it will not be another ‘fan film,’ but a fully licensed show made with professionals, both in front of, and behind the camera. The plan as of now is to start Internet streaming advertising-supported episodes of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century in the Fall of 2010.

Starting with the pilot, which is currently being written, this new Buck Rogers web series will tell the origin story as laid out in the comics, showing how Lucas ‘Buck’ Rogers was propelled from World War I, into a future Earth in the 25th Century. The plan is to use what Cawley calls a ‘retro-contemporary’ look to the show, harkening back to the old style comics, but also using modern techniques, including CGI. Cawley explains:”

Check out there full article here

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Updated: January 14, 2009 — 11:09 am

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