Fantastic Four #563

Fantastic Four #563 (Marvel – Millar / Hitch)

Mister and Mrs. Thing! And a threat from the world of 1985! Plus: Who are the Masters of Doom?

Here’s the beautiful thing about Mark Millar. This issue is an issue between story arcs, you know… the throwaway. The one that snips off a few loose ends and puts a foreshadowing circumstance out there for fan boys to hem and haw over the situation to come. This is supposed to be the issue that everyone is sad they got because it was just a waste of money.

But, it’s not!

It’s still brilliant!

As being one of those long term FF fan, I can’t help but feel joy at the Millar / Hitch team that is at the helm right now!

So, Ben is engaged. We all wish the best for Ben, but we also know Ben’s character. This is bound to end in tragedy. Sad to say, but it always does. The majority of the issue deals with the rest of the team’s joyful emotions for Ben and his wife-to-be and their angst as to having to bury future Sue. Cut to the end of the issue where we see two shadowy figures destroying all life on an alternate Earth, including the sun, and speaking how there will go visit their protege Victor Von Doom next. Crazy stuff that is not to be missed!

Issue Grade: Big Fat A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:17 pm

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