What If? Newer Fantastic Four… So What?

What If? Newer Fantastic Four #1 (Marvel- Torbin / Scherberger / Yeung)

The original Fantastic Four are dead, and a New Fantastic Four has taken their place! But what can the team of Iron Man, Hulk, Spider-Man and Wolverine do against a foe as powerful as Thanos—bearer of the Infinity Gauntlet?   When it takes all the power of Iron Man’s amazing new armor, all of Spider-Man’s attitude, all the Hulk’s brute strength, and all of Wolverine’s underhanded tricks just to survive…what can the New Fantastic Four do to win? The answer lies within this cosmically power-packed issue! Featuring Part 3 of “What If the Runaways became the Young Avengers?”

This was the follow-up book to the What if? that was a tribute to Mike Wieringo from last June.  Taking the alternate timeline from the “New Fantastic Four” from back in 1990.  Except the swapped out Ghost Rider and added Iron Man (hey… look… it’s all of the Marvel Movie heroes… gee!).

Through no fault of the writer or artist, this book is a flop.  This was simply put out there to get some hard earned cash from the fanboys.  There isn’t enough talent out there to save this idea.  The short of it is, is the New FF (Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wolverine and the Hulk) have to stop the Infinity Gauntlet – big time ’90s flashback!

And you know what is crazy, they succeed where Adam Warlock fails… go figure.

Let’s see… Logan outwits Mephisto and pulls one over on Thanos when he has the Infinity Gauntlet on, Tony Stark makes a giant Iron Man suit from left over defeated Celestial armor and Spider-man isn’t tempted by the Infiitiy Guantlet and uses to set everything right, becasue “I always act responsibly” he says… What? Really? Bizarre!

Unless you are hardcore and need to have part 3 of the whole Iron Lad / Runaways / Kang What If? More like a So What?

Grade: D

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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