Ultimatum #2

Ultimatum #2 (of 5) (Marvel – Leob / Finch / Miki / Firchow)

The end is here! Or, is it a new beginning? Massive climatic disturbances are wreaking havoc with the planet — underwater volcanic eruptions, tidal waves crashing over whole cities and snowstorms burying entire countries—and even the assemblage of the Ultimate U’s mightiest is no match for this worldwide destruction! Featuring Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Ultimates, the Hulk and more, find out whose lives are at stake in this defining moment of truth for the Ultimate Universe. Brought to you by award-winning scribe Jeph Loeb and superstar artist David Finch, this is the must-have book that will set the stage in the Ultimate U for years to come. If you want to get in on the most astounding changes taking place in all of comics, this is the place to be. You have been told!

This is the first time, in a long time, that the Ultimate Universe has felt Ultimate and not lame!  Spoilers Below!

Holy Cats and Cheese and Crackers!  Jeph Loeb brought it in this issue.  Making the reader gasp not once, but several times throughout the issue.  Page after page, it’s this kind of writing that made Loeb the name he is today.  David Finch also displays his norm level of awesomeness.

Hulk is helping Spider-man.  Captain America is dead and fighting alongside Thor in Valhalla. Reed Richards, Doom and Princess Power (from Squadron Supreme) are all in cahoots to get Nick Fury back from an alternate reality.  Hawkeye finds the Blob eating the Wasp, literally chomping on her entrails, and mumbling that she tastes like chicken.  And Magneto has finally pieced it together that it’s Charles Xavier that is constantly stopping his plans, so he snaps Charles’ neck.  After all the throw-aways that Marvel fanboys have gotten from the Ultimate Universe, this is an incredible treat!

This in no way, shape or form makes up for Galactus being a swarm of space locusts or there having to be an ultimate Rick Jones… but it’s still awful good!

Issue grade: A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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