Proof #14

Proof #14 (Image – Grecian / Rossmo / Guzowski / Tindall)

Mi-Chen-Po has been manipulating Proof for 150 years. Who is he and what does he want? Plus, the origin of the golem is finally revealed and he’s not what you think he is!

Yes, it’s been out two weeks… yes, I am still in a state of apology.

Recently, we have been talking a lot about the garbage being thrown at fanboys from the big two companies.  You know, people buy something just because it has a certain character, or from a certain creator or it’s part of huge cross-over event and it’s turns out it’s just junk.  Maybe that might be one of the pitfalls of a being one of the biggest kids or bullies on the block.  Well, it looks like Image might be leading the neighborhood revolt.

It’s not like Image is a small company.  But the bottom line is that Image has not necessarily struggled with the same issues that Marvel and DC have recently.  They have been turning out high quality books with that independent feel to them .  And, in my opinion, one book leads the pack.  Proof is the epitome of what fans expected from a high-quality Independent comic.

Proof continue to be an excellent mix of action, suspense and comedy.  The book opens up with members of the Lodge taking a look over Autumn’s (dead rogue agent) apartment and finding the corpses of the creatures they are sworn to protect arranged and displayed to straight out mock the Lodge’s purpose and design.  This scene is on par with some of the best of what the X-Files had to offer.  Then, Mi-Chen-Po takes Joseph through a history lesson of who he is and where he came from.  The story finally comes back to Proof and the Dragon resting and regenerating waiting to have enough energy to get up and kick some ass, to quote Proof.  This includes a one-page, six-frame scene between the two of them while the Dragon “fully” regenerates… brilliantly funny!

What is truly phenominal about this book is that all the little things that I fell in love with this series at issue #1 is still there!  Great story, beautiful art and inks, eye-catching covers, little add-on’s to the book like additional reading and cryptoids, pin-ups, etc…. it is evident that a great deal of time and effort goes into creating every issue of Proof, meaning that the folks over at Image (namely Alex Grecian and Riley Rossmo) actually take pride in what they are doing and care about what they are giving to their fans.

Some other comic publishers could certainly take a lesson from them.

Issue Grade: A

Series Grade: A

what a minute… I can’t post this without telling you how, as soon as I got the issue in hand, I immediately went to the last few pages and read the ongoing tale of Archie Snow.  I am hooked on Tindall’s Snow character.  I just wish I could read it more than a page or two at a time.  Image, when are we getting that Archie Snow one-shot?

also, The Company of Men trade just came out (Vol 2 of Proof) at $12.99, I’m pretty sure there isn’t a better deal out at your local comic shop!

128 PAGES, FC,  A big-game hunter wants to eat a sasquatch and he has his sites set on Proof. Meanwhile, Ginger and Elvis attempt to save an endangered dinosaur in Africa. Also includes the stand-alone stories, “A Perfect Gentleman” and “Manifest Destiny.” Plus, a complete script and a fun & games section!

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Updated: December 9, 2008 — 2:45 pm

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