Farscape #1

Farscape #1 (of 4) (Boom!DeCandido / O’Bannon / Patterson)

TV’s Sci Fi masterpiece FARSCAPE returns! Farscape creator Rockne O’Bannon continues his creation in comic book form right where the Peacekeeper Wars left off! Find out what’s in store for John Crichton, Aeryn Sun, Rygel, Chiana, and the rest of the Moya crew! Do the comics tie into Sci-Fi Channel’s upcoming webisodes? You know it, ‘Scapers! Don’t frelling miss this!

Farscape has been off the air for what? Five years now… and this book brings fans right back into the swing and fervor of things. If you missed the Peacekeeper Wars (2004), this summarizes a tad, but brings your rigth into present continuity.

Given that Rockne O’Bannon was the original creator of the show, it’s not surprising that the story from Keith DeCandido and O’Bannon is pretty rock solid. This first issue brings us up to date on all of the characters and zeros in on Rygel and a history he is trying to revisit… only to catch some spiky speed bumps from his past. It doesn’t take long for a fan to be right back into the ‘Scape-groove. The only thing I can say that isn’t positive, is that this would be a very tough series to pick up if you were never into the TV show. And given the over-sexed presence of Chiana, and very few fans would forget her, this is not a book for your 10-year old.

Tommy Patterson covers the story in a very straight forward, concrete way. His art style is pretty mainstream and serves the story well here.

As is anyone who is ready to re-live sci-fi Fridays, I can’t wait for issue #2!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: December 28, 2008 — 4:53 pm

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