Doctor Who: The Forgotten… Unforgettable!

Doctor Who: The Forgotten #4 (of 5) (IDW – Lee / Guerra / Yates / Roche)

On the run from angry spiders and a shadowed, bearded enemy, the Doctor remembers a Sixth Doctor and Peri tale, as well as a Seventh Doctor and Ace story! But neither of these memories are enough to help him… they need to find a Gallifreyan time ring, displayed somewhere in the museum—But Gallifrey no longer exists! And why is a Cloister Bell ringing?

The Forgotten has to be the best franchise book of year. For the Whovian, this has been a wonderful historic trip, as well a tie-together to the current series.

While Tony Lee has been a round a few years and has some projects under his belt (namely Markosia’s Starship Troopers), I believe it’s the twisting and turning of The Forgotten that will put him on the map. The Doctor needs to try to escape a museum dedicated to himself that is literally nowhere and nowhen and the TARDIS is not to be found.

The art gets a little underdone at times, but that is easy to forgive as the reader gets two mini-stories inside every issue along with the present Doctor trying to unravel his hyperspace and time issues. Like I said, this is the best series I have seen this year based on a non-comic franchise. Not only does the writing of the characters, both contemporary and classic, match perfectly, but the story itself mesmerizes the reader. Doctor Who fans could not be disappointed in this book at all!

Issue grade: A- (lowered for the art)

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Updated: December 12, 2008 — 1:07 pm

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