1001 Arabian Nights: The Adventure of Sinbad #6

1001 Arabian Nights: The Adventures of Sinbad #6 (Zenescope – Wickline / Pereira / Benhossi)

Having retrieved the second half of the Sunfury Amulet, Sinbad and his crew must race back to the volcanic island of Ma’ru. The wizard Kabrít Amûd and his army of fire demons are hot on their tail, determined to retrieve the powerful magic amulet. Meanwhile Pots rescue of Samelia from the Witch Queen Alorana doesn’t go as planned. Don’t miss the exciting conclusion to the first story arc in this hot new series from Zenescope.

Sinbad is traditionally a tale of swashbuckling, adventure, heroism, underdogs fighting the monsters and saving the pretty girls. This remake meets all of those qualities and no one does this better than Zenescope!

Issue #6 brings us to the end of “Sinbad and the Eyes of Fire” and we have seen witches, wizards, dragons and female fire demons (demonesses?). This series can be summarized in one word “Fun!” Dan Wickline’s Sinbad is an ultimate hero archetype and a badass! He is loyal to his friends, a crew filled with outcasts and misfits. He is picture perfect and isn’t afraid to take on any bad guy. Sinbad doesn’t hesitant about any situation and isn’t reluctant to flex his muscles and impress the babes either! What I dig about this book is that it is true fantasy heroics… impossible situations and outlandish odds and Sinbad glides through with a wink and one-liner… Fantastically Enjoyable! This shares the same part in my geek-schema as when I watch a good James Bond movie (excluding any brooding emo Daniel Craig moments!)

On top of the story, Rod Pereira and Alexandre Benhossi provide beautiful eye-candy art!

If you haven’t been getting this, you need to pick up the trade!

Issue grade: A

Series grade: A

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Updated: December 30, 2008 — 5:09 pm

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