The Twelve: retro hits back

The Twelve is a great alternative to that ‘Project Super Powers” crap. How would you like a reinvention of a retro line, with decent art and a plot that isn’t one crappy cliché and makes sense? How about decent dialouge between two reasonable folks? I had no faith in the TWELVE or Michael Straczynski, but I can’t drop this book from my pull list. I’ve tried.

As soon as I’ve gotten to a point were I think I’ve got it figured out and it starts to become uninteresting, THE TWELVE takes wicked little unexpected turns, slowly bringing it around, making it more and more complicated and more and more contemporary. This is Straczynski’s best most subtle, most original work to date. Plenty of good, well defined characters to work with, plenty of character flaws simmering under the surface. Plenty of appropriate foreshadowing and Red herrings. It’s good.

Chris Weston’s art has never really impressed me, but as this book goes on it gets better and better. This could be a break through book for him and his competence. His storytelling has always been his strength and now his line work is catching up. He spots his blacks so well, were always looking at what we’re supposed to be looking at. There is a very strong classical influence which is appropriate, don’t ya think?

The colors are bit heavier than I usually like, but in this case they work really well, and they add a ton to the mood without overpowering or muddying the art up.

Overall A, a very clean, well thought out and directed product, art & story wise
If you can’t go back and find all the issues, definitely worth picking up in trade.

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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