Secret Invasion: Thor

Secret Invasion: Thor (Marvel – Faction / Braithwaite)

Thor and Beta Ray Bill stand against a god-killing Skrull armada, hell-bent on seeing Asgard rent asunder, and burning Broxton, Oklahoma, down to the ground. With innocent lives to save, two cities to defend, an alien army to stop, and a marauding super-Skrull scientifically engineered to destroy them…can Bill and Thor possibly survive?

This is utter crap.

This story is an utterly banal and utterly obviously, not at all dramatic and doesn’t advance the SECRET INVASION plot much at all. There’s no sense of actual threat, there’s not rhyme of reason for why things happen. It’s full of contrived scenes that just don’t work.

The best scenes are in issue one, and center on Donald Blake delivering a baby in a shelter, but that’s just dropped and just didn’t make sense considering the supposed magnitude of the threat outside.

I feel sorry for Matt Faction that he got handed this crappy idea and had to put his name on it. I have a soft spot for Doug Braithwaite’s art, but what the hell, INK your work. It’s not a comic book without INK. It’s lazy crap. Now, it’s probably more a “Quick Doug we have to get this out to squeeze a few more dollars from our loyal readers” so I don’t blame him, but hell…

Don’t Bother. And I’m a Thor fan.

Absolute F. An annoying way to try and get more money nothing more

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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