Proof #13

Proof #13 (Image – Grecian / Rossmo / Willumsen / Guzowski / Tindall / Sipe / Casanova)

SAVAGE DRAGON! SCREAMLAND! The Image universe invades PROOF for Halloween! The Savage Dragon comes to the rescue when Proof’s arch enemy is finally revealed. With a special section written and drawn by the SCREAMLAND creative team!

It was a very nice touch having issue #13 coincide with Halloween. Proof and his supporting characters continues to try to unlock the mysteries of the Thunderbirds and of Joe the Golem (no relationship to Joe the Plumber). The matriarch of the Thunderbirds (or as they appear to be giant buzzards) is no less than a blind, ancient dragon on it’s last legs. Unfortunately for Proof, the Savage Dragon (who showed up for back-up) and the rest of the team, the mama dragon calls her children to help. These buzzards and pretty fierce and make the team retreat deep into the dragon cave.

The buzzards give the Savage Dragon a beating, so much in fact that the team believes him to be dead. Too bad they didn’t read the Savage Dragon’s wiki and know about his healing factor. But regardless, the Savage Dragon is still out and Proof is still sick with the avian flu, this makes it a very bad spot for the rest of the team. Meanwhile Ginger, Elvis and a dysfunctional circle of associates are chasing Joe in the sewers of New York. They lose Joe’s trail, but Joe does find what he was looking for… Mi-Chen-Po, a red-robed elderly sewer king with demon dogs and a skull staff. Why?  We don’t know, but we do know it’s pretty wild!

Over the last year, there has not been a book from any company that has had more constantly good story work and art than Proof! The script will pull you in and I could look at Riley Rossmo’s art all day long.  Proof is at the top of my pull list! And as an added bonus, I don’t believe this book has ever been late (hmmmm DC and Marvel, I don’t think we can say that, can we?). If you are reading this and you have not picked up Proof, then… EGADS fanboy! the trades are out, go do something for yourself and get them! You will not be disappointed!

This issue has a bonus mini-story from Screamland, a fun read and a great intro into that series by Sipe, Casanova and Tindall. And we get another two pages from Kelly Tindall on Archie Snow. The action is turning up for our feline gumshoe, I just wish there was more! If anyone from Image is reading this… come on, give us a blizzard of Archie Snow! a one-shot at least!
Issue Grade: A huge A+

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Updated: November 2, 2008 — 3:58 pm

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