Doctor Who: The Forgotten #2

Doctor Who: The Forgotten #2 ( IDW Publishing – Lee / Guerra)

Trapped in a strange Museum and hunted by a gun-happy waxwork, an amnesiac Doctor must regain his memories of each of his incarnations-including a Second-Doctor memory with Zoe and Jamie… and a Third-Doctor remembrance with the Brigadier and Jo! But can he succeed before a familiar, bearded figure in the shadows kills him?

There is no way that a Doctor Who fan could not love this series. The “foreground” story of having the Doctor and Martha trapped in this trans-dimensional museum without a clue and without the TARDIS is wonderful but is taking a backseat to some of the flashback stories. Re-meeting the aloof Patrick Troughton (2nd Doctor) and free-wheeling yet impetuous Jon Pertwee (3rd Doctor). Pertwee’s Doctor was the first to consistently mix action, intellect and quirkiness and set the standard for modern Galifrey enthusiasts love about the show

As the Doctor picks up physical items, he catches flashbacks to his previous incarnations, thus giving him insight into his present predicament. The flashbacks really have been the gems here. I wasn’t thinking about it, but when I saw the Brigadier, I had forgotten how well the Doctor Who series had been written from the very beginning. And how much I really enjoyed some of those early characetrs. It was not unlike the joy that came to every fan’s hearts when Sarah Jane first cameoed in the new series.

It’s not that the present Doctor / Martha story isn’t rolling along well, it’s just there hasn’t been enough of it. Pia Guerra’s art seemed designed for the science fiction off beat tale.

This series has so many opportunities for the writers, the Tom Baker story? the Christopher Eccelson tale? Will they recognize Paul McGann? I am hoping that this ties into some sort of plot along the lines of “The Five Doctors” where the incarnations actually interact with one another. Maybe or maybe not 🙂
The quick of it is that IDW is doing a great job with the Doctor Who franchise and has the fanbase thriving. This is a “should get” for every fan of the Doctor

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: October 22, 2008 — 10:16 am

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