NYX: No Way Home #2

NYX: No Way Home #2 (Marvel – Liu / Andrasofsky / Urusov)

Kiden, Tatiana, Bobby Soul, and Lil’ Bro never had an easy life. But when someone kidnaps their would-be mentor—the only person who ever lifted a finger on their behalf—this is when the NYX learn what they’re really made of. Will they stand together…or fall apart? All this, plus a special section of behind-the-scenes bonus material and never-before-seen art!

It’s hard to write a book abobut characters who aren’t particularly likeable. I picked the book up on account of Kalman Andrasofszky’s art, which was worth it. I never read the first NYX and know nothing of the characters or personalities. I’m finding the plot captivating.

I keep finding myself asking why can’t Z-Men (Legacy) 7 Manifest Destiny be like this. Character driven, and a plot that’s not spewed out like a memo. There’s actually some suspense and mystery. The book takes it’s time, unfolkds at an easy to follow pace, the art & graphic storytelling is exceptional. What KA conveys in a simple, honest, clear pictures is a pleasure. If you like your stories to take their time to unfold this one is for you. NYX: No Way Home

Issue Grade: “A” on both story and art fronts.

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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