Marvel Comics Presents #12

Marvel Comics Presents #12 (Marvel – Various)

VANGUARD and WEAPON OMEGA thunder to their incredible finales, as Trenton Craft looks to put an end to BLADE—forever—and Michael Pointer finally comes to grips with his role as GUARDIAN—but can he possibly survive the experience? And in the conclusion to MACHINE MAN, Aaron Stack’s future threatens to be more of a handful than his past. Plus—a never-before-told story of the time MAN-THING joined…the INITIATIVE!?!

Neither the talent of Rich Koslowski nor a funny short-story about Man-Thing could save Marvel Comics Presents from being the series in the last year I wish I hadn’t gotten.  Come on Joe, you could have done a lot better than this!

Save your money and time.

Issue Grade:D

Series Grade: D-

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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