Hulk #6

Hulk #6 ( Marvel / Loeb / McGuinness / Vines / Keith )

White-hot uberstars JEPH LOEB & ED MCGUINNESS – Giving you your daily allowance of GIGANTIC monsters beating the snot outta each other! Guest stars galore! The entire West Coast about to tumble into the ocean! And NOW…the rematch you’ve been panting for! HULK VS. HULK—one side wins…FOREVER!!!”

No, not FOREVER because at the end…the loser wakes up! Rulk isn’t dead. Rulk isn’t even busted up! What Rulk is, is a big damn stinky hole in the Hulk mythos. Kind of like Glob, remember him? Don’t worry, no one else does either. Or how about when Superman was blue and red! Remember that!? I know you do, but you’d rather forget. That is what the first six issues of Hulk have been. One big story arc that that readers would like to forget. To add insult to injury, we don’t find out who Rulk is. We thought it was Doc Sampson, but we see him shoot Rick Jones in the back as Rulk is waking up. Nonsense.

The saddest part of this whole debacle is the downfall of Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness. I really like their early teaming on Superman/Batman and Action Comics. Then they move to Marvel and turn out Ultimates 3 (Loeb does anyway) and Hulk, and these books are terrible. It it too much to ask for a decent story?

Grade: D+

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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