Green Lantern#34

Green Lantern #34 ( DC / Johns / Reis / Oclair / Albert )

“The penultimate chapter of “Secret Origin”! Hal Jordan and Sinestro face off against Abin Sur’s killer – Atrocitus! But what dark secret has Atrocitus uncovered about the impending “Blackest Night?” And what revelation will forever change the relationship between Hal and Carol Ferris?”

The awesomness of Geoff Johns Green Lantern keeps on trucking as Hal and Sinestro take on the newfound killer of Abin Sur, Atrocitus. We get some great moments, that are not surprising, of just what a Gl can do with, and without, a ring. But more so, I’m really starting to like Sinestro. It’s not hard to see why he was the greatest Green Lantern of his time. I think this might be the beginning of what might be something of a redemtion for Sinestro.

Yes we hate him for his crimes against the universe, but with the upcoming “Darkest Night” and “War of the Rings” story arcs I sense that Sinestro will be a reluctant hero in the DC universe. It probably won’t last long and I just me be full of poo. Only time will tell.

The art and writing maintain their top shelf quality as Johns, Reis, and company maintain the ball of bodaciousness rolling.

Grade: B+

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Updated: September 17, 2008 — 4:43 pm

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