Ghostbusters 3?

With all the hype from the new Ghostbusters video game (which looks awesome) and the new movie City of Ember, Bill Murray has been making the promotion circuit. Bill was recently at Fantastic Fest in Austin, TX and in concordance with the game and all the Ghostbuster news that has been floating around Hollywood lately, someone was bound to ask if we’ll ever see the ever aging (and expanding) original Ghostbusters back for one more film. Quint over at AICN got to cover Fantastic Fest and listen to Bill’s answer. Here’s an excerpt from his article found here:

I was very curious to hear Murray’s answer. He’s not as available to the press or public as Dan Aykroyd or Harold Ramis and he also seemed to be the least enthusiastic about a Ghostbusters sequel…

But tonight he said that he knew “some writers from THE OFFICE” were taking a stab at the script right now (which we already knew) and that he thinks that’s a good start. He paused for a few seconds then said that he thinks enough time has passed and that “the wounds from GHOSTBUSTERS 2 are healed” and that he would definitely be into doing another GHOSTBUSTERS movie, stating that the first 40 minutes of the original film is some of the best stuff he’s been associated with and the whole shoot was an amazing amount of fun.

He also went on to say that his enthusiasm for Ghostbusters was heightened after recording the voice of Peter Venkman for the video game over the summer. In fact, he said he found himself walking down the street singing the Ghostbusters theme song and then thought people walking around him were going to start yelling at him to “get over yourself, Bill,” so he stopped… But the enthusiasm was there.”

Why are we covering Ghostbusters news on a comic book site….because this film was a major part is geek history, my childhood, and this is my sandbox 🙂

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Updated: September 26, 2008 — 7:36 am

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