Fantastic Four: True Story #3

Fantastic Four: True Story #3 (of 4) (Marvel – Cornell / Domingues)

Okay, you remember that the FF had ventured into fiction to save the world? In this issue, we find out who the big villain is (one of the original Marvel villains, that the FF have never met!) Frankenstein vs. Dracula! Johnny collapses in the arms of Mr. Toad! And the deaths of nearly all the FF. Yes, in a miniseries. The guys on the main book are just going to have to deal. Join us as True Story becomes a true nightmare.

one word: meh! I’m a big fan of Paul Cornell, the Fantastic Four and off-kilter stories. True Story should be a no-brainer for me. It wasn’t.  The first two issues weren’t bad and showed some promise. Issue three was rushed, crowded and wasn’t quite linear. With the revival of Nightmare, I thought this story might really go somewhere, instead it just kind of spins around with it’s tongue out. An author writes a story about Nightmare and that gave him access to the worlds of fiction… really?

Issue Grade: D

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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