Dragon Prince #1

Dragon Prince #1 (Top Cow – Marz / Moder/ Johnson / Sejic)

Like a lot of teenagers, Aaron Chiang feels he’s never fit in, though he’s never known why. But all that changes when he learns the truth of his heritage: He is the Dragon Prince, last of his kind and heir to the bloodline of all dragons. Hunted to the brink of extinction by a secret society of wizards, dragonkind’s survival is now in Aaron’s hands.

This is a fairly uninteresting dud. It’ll The ‘B’ cover by Sejic is awesome and that’s where it ends. It smacks of a weak, left over Valiant title, second generation Cross-Gen. Tired premise of boy manifests powers and inherits dragon legacy, becomes target of a secret dragon hunting cult. There are lots of not very well thought out plot & character stuff, but it’s not even worth going into. The story is told well enough, and the art and storytelling by Lee Moder is fine and competent, but completely uninspired. Seen it before, know where I’ll see at years end, the cheap bin.

Issue Grade: C- for trying

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Updated: July 10, 2010 — 1:41 pm

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