Thor #10

Thor #10 ( Marvel / Straczynski / Coipel / Morales )

J. Michael Straczynski and Olivier Coipel’s unstoppable new vision of Thor barrels on stronger than ever! As the Asgardians returned to this life and Thor returned to Midgard, so came the ills that have plagued the gods and man for millennia. Now for the first time since their rebirth, Thor and his fellow hero-gods are venturing forth from the Shining City to confront the growing evils that amass on their horizon…and within their walls…
Rated T+ …$2.99″

I kind of had to giggle at the write-up from It’s not that its incorrect in any way, it just doesn’t convey the huge impact this issue has on the entire Thor universe. Balder’s true lineage is reveled, which is sure to rock Asgard, and Thor is making decisions that will shake the Norse pantheon to its core.

Straczynski is spinning a tale of such complexity that his run on Thor will go down in the annuls of comics as one of the best royal stories ever. Thor is faced with tough situations as a young king leading his people in a very different direction. Through Straczynski’s storytelling and Coipel’s art, we are getting a look at an emotional story peppered with some of the best action in comics. It would be very easy to them to switch those values around, but then it wouldn’t be as good a book.

Grade: A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:16 pm

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